NCNC Films
created. 2010
type of projet. community driven site-specific artistic project
projects to date. 13
with. Pronomade(s) en Haute-Garonne, Derrière le Hublot, L'Usine,
la Scène Nationale d'Albi, l'Atelline, Chalon dans la Rue, ARTO, Escena Pblenou Festival de Tardor Barcelona.
Since 2009 we have been creating unique and itinerant films which belong to a new cinematic genre: NCNC (Nuovo Cinema Neo Cinetico).
Each one of these films is the result of four months of work, out of which 4 weeks take place on-site, within the community, in the designated neighbourhood or village.
Each film is conceived and created on-site, permeable and susceptible to everything in the territory it takes place in: Its geography, Its history, Its stories, Its architecture...and its residents
All of the films are created using the same methodology yet each one is genuinely unique and tells a totally different story, with a different plot and characters, and has a exclusive soundtrack that is specifically created for it.
An NCNC film is made without a video camera, film or a projection hall!
The eyes of a camera,
the body of a text,
the ears of a stranger,
to manage to touch the essence of an urbanism filled with forgotten or buried stories.
a story to be written and shared.
Support for writing and first experiments
Auteurs d'espace publique - SACD,
CNAR Le Citron Jeune, Baule d'air, label rue, Préavis de Désordre Urbain
Production supported by
DGCA - Ministère de la Culture
Co-produced by
Derrière le Hublot - Pôle des arts de la rue Capdenac-Midi-Pyrenées
Harri Xuri-SIVOM Artzamendi
With the support of
Réseau en scène
FAIAR Formation Avancée et itinérante pour les Arts de la Rue
Rita Stivala Production - Diffusion